We had left the apartment early as we correctly assumed that there would be a lot of people going to church at 5:30 pm there was of course another service at around 11:00 pm but this would mean that people having had dinner with friends and relatives and having imbibed a few drinks would be willing to get up and go to for ministry. The parking lot was madness with vehicles parked in unlikely positions, the inside of the church was also jam packed with people and to top it off, Aidan chose that moment to sleep, poor hubby had to carry him during the whole mass, thank goodness he started going to the gym as he was not fatigued by the experience.
One of my hubby's friends, Venkat, called up to say that he was starting on his way to our apartment, and the call came at the right time as mass had just ended and we where on our way back to the apartment. Once we got home we wasted no time in setting up the settings and cooking the food we were serving our guests.
I can safely say that my cooking was more than satisfying to my hubby's friends, I can of course
never compare my food to the creations of Emeril or a Wolfgang Puck but it if satisfied two people then I am at least satisfied with my efforts.
We spent the night talking about stuff and to our surprise, Venkat gave Aidan a bicycle for a Christmas gift, it is a very good gift because it would at least give Aidan a chance to play outside when the weather permits, and with supervision.
Christmas eve was spent with friends and family, we got to enjoy the look of Aidan opening his gifts but the only thing is that when we asked Aidan if Santa gave him the gifts, he replied "No it was you Mommy", it looks like there will be no fooling this kid when he grows up.
So to everyone out there let us wish you all the love and warmth that friends and family bring together in this time of year.
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